♫ alina - when you leave (numa numa) (nightcore)
first 2024 blog!! woohoo!! let's hope i stick to this this time LMFAO
okay so my morning started with me waking up at like 7 AM (thanks circadian rhythm -_-) but luckily i was able to go back to bed and sleep in a little more. thankfully my programming for engineers class was optional today because this is the last week of classes before finals... so i didn't have to rush out the door to drive up to campus like i usually do when i stay overnight at my parents' house on mondays. i had time to make myself a lavender latte (my mom got that really fancy torani syrup for the house and it's sooo good) and eat a chocolate chip muffin while i sat at my back door and watched the birds in my backyard. it was really peaceful and relaxing :-)

birding list courtesy of eBird!

slightly shitty picture of a cardinal i took with binoculars and an iphone camera
however, i DID have an exam for programming for engineers that i needed to take at 11. it's nice because he made the exam open note/open book and you could take it from anywhere because it was just on canvas. the only condition was you had 75 minutes to complete it and it had to be done by 12:40. so i went ahead and took it as soon as it opened and. hoo man it was a bit more difficult than i thought. this time we had to submit THREE separate C programs (as opposed to just the one we had in the previous exam) and do a bunch of multiple choice/ordering stuff too @_@ i finished the exam with like 10 minutes left thankfully... and when the autograder graded my exam i got a. 58. wat. and then i realized that didn't account for the C programs which had to be graded manually (turns out i ended up getting an 81 on the exam so that's nice!)
after that i kinda just... hung around and did nothing. i had my physics class at 4:25 so i didn't have to leave my house until 3:45ish. however, i DID make a bunch of buttons for my coworker so i figured i should go drop those off. so, i left the house at like 2:15, got back to campus at 2:45, and met her outside eastway (the dining hall) so i could give her her buttons :-) she gave me 11 dollars in cash for all of them!! score
didn't really know what to do to kill time until i had to go to my lecture so i went over to the bubble tea place where i work and just hung out there. my coworkers are awesome so i had fun shooting the shit with them and all that LOL. it's really nice because i'm able to get a free drink every time i go there so i got a vanilla rose milk tea with sakura jelly hearts and it was yummy :3 we got new cups which i'm not sure how i feel about because they're a lot taller than the old ones AND they don't even have a seal anymore they just have a lid which is sad because you can't stab the drink anymore!! whatever i'm sure i'll get used to it -_-

my drink!
killed the rest of my time by dicking around on my laptop (and revisiting my neocities and spacehey!! hi!!) and then at 4:15 i packed up my stuff and left! pulled up to my lecture a bit late but idgaf. i walked in and saw that the one (1) person i know in that class who i'm friends with was sitting with someone else and i didn't want to make things awkward and i knew we were just taking notes (which he uploads to canvas anyways) so i just kinda... turned around and left LMFAOOO. i did see on the board that we have a quiz on thursday though which is. kinda evil considering our final is next monday. dude can we get a break. pls.
went back over to eastway and sat in the basement - where the deli/market is - and just kinda played around on my laptop. i actually went over to the market and got myself some watermelon sour patch kids and a bottle of mug because i have an absolutely OBSCENE amount of declining balance on my meal plan that i need to spend before the end of the semester!!
went to dinner with my irls (minus one - she was at a lab unfortunately) at rosie's and i got a chocolate chip pancake with fries and a dr. pepper :-) i brought up that i have a fuckton of declining balance left and lauren was like "dude we should get a bunch of cases of soda for the apartment" (for context: my irls are going to be my roommates next semester) and i was like fuck yes bro. so after we finished eating we went over to the market part of rosie's and grabbed two cases of dr. pepper and a case of mug. i would've grabbed more but god knows we probably wouldn't be able to carry much more back to my car LMFAO

my dinnar
loaded that up in my car and then i drove them back to the dorm. they helped me move the clothes that were hanging up in my wardrobe to my car - i'm trying to (very slowly) move all of my stuff out of my dorm before i move out on the 11th just to make things a little easier.
drove home and got back at like 6:30ish. kinda just fucked around on my computer until it was time to watch better call saul with my friends cherry and skulb YAYYY. and then i realized i forgot to take my principles of management exam which was due at 11:59 PM oopsies. thankfully it was also open-note/open-book so i kinda just sped through it while i was watching BCS and got an 89%. nice. i was trying my best to be a bit quieter after my brother got home because he's complained about me being too loud on VC before and i feel really bad because he goes to bed SUPER early for some fucking reason >_< anyways we have one episode of season 5 left which is really scary to think about. and then we're gonna start season 6... which is the last one... [shudders]
logged off at around 12:30 AM and was like I'M GOING TO WRITE MY BLOG NOW! and then i got hit with a wave of sleepiness and also got a headache so i gave up and went to sleep LMFAO. i'm actually writing this at 11 AM on may 1st. haha pranked you
anyways! thank you for reading my first blog of 2024. feel free to leave a comment if you want and maybe drop a like!! see you later :-)

image of the day