♫ fall out boy - this ain't a scene, it's an arms race
gonna be honest i kind of feel like shit rn so this will probably be a bit shorter and sweeter than my usual blogs lol
woke up at like 6:30 AM to my brother outside my door asking if he could borrow my cowboy hat. apparently he needed it to help his friend out with a promposal or whatever so i was like fine you can take it. it's 10:45 PM and he still hasn't returned it to me. welp
went back to sleep and woke up at like 8? 9? idfk it probably doesn't matter. thankfully i didn't have a lab today because we got finished with all of our physics labs so. yayyyy. all i had to worry about was the 4:25 physics lecture that has plagued me for the past 3-4 months. hooray.
kinda just sat around and did nothing in my house again until like 1ish when i decided to do my makeup which took me a stupidly long amount of time for some reason. probably because i wasted like 20 minutes trying to make sure my brows looked okay
once i was done with that i made some more buttons for my coworkers which turned out really good actually. i kind of want to make another shadow one for myself honestly

the buttons i made <3
left the house at like 3:30ish to go drop off the buttons to my coworkers. while i was there i decided to get a drink too. was really yummy it was a custom drink my coworker lawrence made called the El Hombre Guapo. it's a frozen drink that tastes like cinnamon toast crunch. really good.

el hombre guapo...
also while i was walking back to my car someone yelled "YOU LOOK AMAZING" out of their car as i walked past which was nice. :-) my outfit was actually cool as fuck today imo

the skull appears
went to my physics lecture (for real this time) and just kinda sat there and listened while he went over the homework that i didn't do (dw it's not mandatory and doesn't get graded so idgaf). there's a quiz tomorrow which i am not at all confident about but i gotta start cramming immediately after i write this because i NEED to get a good grade or i'm probably gonna be a little fucked lol
looked at the eastway menu and saw they had corn dogs (yay) so i texted my irls to meet me there for dinner after my lecture. usually they have funnel fries when they have corn dogs but i guess they must've ran out because they were not there this time. sad.

my dinnarrrrr
i was originally gonna go to my dorm and grab more stuff afterwards but quite frankly i just didn't feel like it so i just drove all the way back home without grabbing anything Lol
came back home, locked myself in my room, and started to rot a little mentally. you know how it is. i'll spare you the details because it's honestly kind of stupid and cringe so. yeahhhh
im choosing to blame the fact that i've been off my birth control for a few days now because i reached the four placebo pills at the end of the pack which i don't really need to take imo. i start taking it again tomorrow so hopefully that helps. for context i have PMDD so the birth control helps regulate my depressive tendencies and other general mood/mental/emotional problems so. thumbs up
writing this while i watch better call saul with cherry and skulb again. i'm sipping on a lavender latte i made but it kinda sucks unfortunately. ah well
fuuuuuck i have so much i need to get done before tomorrow. there's a presentation i need to have ready for next week for my professional development in engineering class and i need to make sure my part of the powerpoint is ready before my group meets tomorrow. and then i need to make sure i do well on my physics quiz. and then i need to worry about making my PSA for my media, power, and culture final that's also due next week. ugh.
tl;dr - day started off pretty strong but then as soon as i got home from campus it all went downhill. such is life.
thanks for reading my blog for today! hit the like button if you read this far. or leave a comment if you want. or don't. i'm not your dad.

image of the day. sorry i keep stealing the pictures you send, skulb