♫ chappell roan - femininomenon
hiiiiii!! i'm in a lot better of a mood than i was yesterday thankfully so this will hopefully be underlined with less negative vibes than my last one LMFAO
woke up at like 8 AM and immediately jumped in the shower. my hair was getting kinda gross so this did wonders for my mental health LOL. also i'm noticing that with every wash my hair is becoming more and more pink... it was previously bright red but i guess the dye is starting to come out. ah well. i'll probably redye it with splat at the end of the month so it REALLY sticks. i'm not complaining about the pink color though it's honestly really cute
after that, i had to worry about studying for my physics quiz which was making me kind of stressed out... but then i opened the homework for this unit and it was. 3 questions. all of which were ridiculously easy. so i was getting myself all worked up for literally nothing. welp
anyways, that took me like 30 minutes to an hour tops which was really awesome! did my makeup afterwards and got dressed. i think my outfit was kind of awesome as fuck today

outfit for todayyyyy
left the house at 12:15ish to go grab a lavender latte and a croissant from one of the local cafes before i went up to campus :D


ouuugh croissant
got to campus and went to my professional development class to meet up with my group members and discuss our presentation we're doing on monday (eep). it sucks because we're a group of 5 but only 3 people showed up to class today... i'm not so worried about one of them because it looked like they were working on the slides but the other one has been AWOL for a little while now and we're starting to suspect they just kinda. dipped on us. oh well. their loss i guess
once that was all figured out, i caught the bus and went to franklin hall to meet up with my OTHER group project partner to work on our anti-phishing PSA video for media/power/culture... it was really painless! i was kind of dreading it since im kind of awkward if i'm working one-on-one with someone else. we just worked on the script which was super easy. it only has to be 60 seconds which is nice. it's gonna be really funny though because we both talked about hamming up the acting A LOT so it's kind of like a really cheesy 90s PSA. we have to film it tomorrow after i'm done with my floor meeting which hopefully shouldn't take too long
caught the bus back to the student center and walked back to my car and went over to go get a blended matcha drink from where i work (because it's national matcha day and i figured i'd treat myself! also it was hot as balls outside. so.) and study a little bit more for my physics quiz just by going over the notes one more time.

it tastes like grass that loves you
once 4:15 rolled around i hopped back in the car and went to my physics class. i took the quiz, and... it was 5 multiple choice questions that were literal softballs. so. i got a 10/10 YAYYYYY
also i calculated what i need to get on the final to get an overall C in the class and THANK GOD IT'S ONLY 62%. idgaf if i get a bad grade in this class i JUST need to pass so i can take my classes that are relevant to my major that depend on this godforsaken class as a prerequisite LOL
grabbed some raising canes for dinner and headed home! it worked out really well because i wasn't really that hungry when i grabbed it and then by the time i got home i was ready to tear it apart like a feral animal. i didn't even get a picture because i was too excited to eat it oopsies
after that hopped on spacehey and browsed the online users page for cool people i could befriend... :-) god it's just so cool seeing everyone's unique pages and interests and all that!! really fosters a sense of discovery i feel like the modern internet barely has nowadays
cherry was busy tonight so we couldn't watch better call saul sadly... HOWEVER i did hop on ffxiv to finish the msq i've been slacking on before dawntrail (next expansion pack) comes out on june 28th!! asked my friend silv to help me do the trial i've been procrastinating on for a literal year and a half now and it really wasn't too difficult. i died like once but that was because it was my first time and there was a mechanic i just did Not understand LMFAO
did some more msq then stopped for the night once i got to the next dungeon. tucked myself into bed - and then i realized. i forgot to write this blog. haha pranked you guys again i'm writing this at 12:20 PM on may 3rd MUAHAHAHA
today was a lot better than yesterday though!! yippie!!
well that's all i got! thanks for reading!! leave a like if you read this far and leave a comment if you got something cool to say :-)

image of the day